Preliminary Proposed Action and Alternatives

The 1962 Middle Fork Hood River Watershed Work Plan would be updated to include an EIS that would analyze alternative ways to meet the Rehabilitation Project’s purpose and need. At least three Action Alternatives will be evaluated to meet the purpose and need of the Rehabilitation Project. A No Action Alternative will also be considered.


Alternative 1:

This alternative would structurally rehabilitate the dam to meet current dam safety and environmental compliance standards of NRCS, the Forest Service, FERC, and other regulatory agencies. Structural rehabilitation includes measures to address flood conveyance, seepage, seismic hazards, fish passage, and water quality improvements.

Alternative 2:

Decommissioning the dam would consist of breaching the dam to allow for flood conveyance, restoring Clear Branch and Pinnacle Creek within the reservoir footprint, and the constructing of run-of river irrigation diversions to continue irrigation water supply.

Alternative 3:

This alternative would relocate or floodproof at-risk dwellings in the downstream breach inundation area. The downstream breach inundation area extends from the base of Clear Branch Dam to the mouth of the Hood River confluence with the Columbia River. This zone includes 4 homes, 2 apartments or hotels, 23 commercial buildings, 4 bridges, Highway 30, Interstate 84, the Union Pacific railroad, and the Mount Hood Railroad.

Alternative 4:

Taking no action would consist of activities carried out if no federal action or funding were provided. In the absence of federal funding, the Project Sponsor would implement the structural dam rehabilitation alternative (Alternative 1) using alternate funding and likely extended timetable for completion.